British Tours to Canada
Corinthians, 1911

Corinthians, 1911

Unlike the Corinthians tour of 1906, this tour took the famous English amateur team from coast to coast across Canada and then into the United States. In the U.S., the team played in Chicago, New York, Newark and Philadelphia.

The following Corinthian players toured in 1911:

H.G. Bache, C.E. Brisley, C. Wreford-Brown, A.T. Coleby, B.O. Corbett, A.L. Corbett, S.H. Day, S.C. Maples, G.G. Newman, M. Morgan-Owen, I.E. Snell, P.A. Sergeant, R.G. Thompson, S. Turner.

Aug. 5 Ontario 1: Corinthians 2 in Toronto, Ontario
Aug. 7 Toronto 3: Corinthians 1 in Toronto, Ontario
Aug. 9 Hamilton 3: Corinthians 6 in Hamilton, Ontario
Aug. 12 Montreal 0: Corinthians 8 in Montreal, Quebec
Aug. 14 Cobalt 0: Corinthians 5 in Cobalt, Ontario
Aug. 16 Fort William 0: Corinthians 6 in Fort William, Ontario
Aug. 20 Winnipeg 1: Corinthians 2 in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Aug. 21 Regina 2: Corinthians 6 in Regina, Saskatchewan
Aug. 22 Saskatoon 2: Corinthians 9 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Aug. 24 Edmonton 1: Corinthians 6 in Edmonton, Alberta
Aug. 26 Calgary 3: Corinthians 4 in Calgary, Alberta
Aug. 29 Vancouver 1: Corinthians 5 in Vancouver, British Columbia
Aug. 31 Nanaimo/Ladysmith 2: Corinthians 2 in Nanaimo, British Columbia
Sept. 2 Victoria 2: Corinthians 4 in Victoria, British Columbia
Sept. 4 Vancouver 1: Corinthians 4 in Vancouver, British Columbia
Sept. 10 All-Chicago 1: Corinthians 4 in Chicago, Illinois
Sept. 11 All-Chicago 1; Corinthians 10 in Chicago, Illinois
Sept. 14 Stanley Barracks 2: Corinthians 6 in Toronto, Ontario
Sept. 16 All-New York 2: Corinthians 4 in New York, N.Y.
Sept. 18 Newark 2: Corinthians 6 in Newark, New Jersey
Sept. 19 Cricket Clubs 0: Corinthians 19 in Philadelphia, Pa.

August 5, 1911, at the Island Stadium in Toronto, Ontario
Ontario 1 (Curran)
Corinthians 2 (A. Corbett, Day)
HT: 1–1 Att: 10 000 Ref: Murchie (Toronto)
Ontario: H. Crompton – Geordie Campbell, S. Hossack – W.H. Hales, G. Bingham, D. Graham – T. Curran, I. Wallace, T. Rogers, Sam Farrant, S.W. Swarbrick.
Corinthians: Newman – Tuff, Snell – Vidal, Sergeant, Thompson – Bache, Day, Maples, A.L. Corbett, R.O. Corbett.

August 7, 1911, at the Rosedale Athletic Grounds in Toronto, Ontario
Toronto 3 (Aitken 2, Curran)
Corinthians 1 (Day)
HT: 1–1 Att: 3500 Ref: Murchie (Toronto)
Toronto: Hardy – Geordie Campbell, Gillespie – Wright, G. Bingham, Marshall – Rutherford, T. Curran, Aitken, Rowe, Walker.
Corinthians: Newman – Thompson, Tuff – Snell, Weeks, Sergeant – Coleby, Maples, Day, R.O. Corbett, A.L. Corbett.

August 9, 1911, in Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton 3 (o.g., Thombs, Houison)
Corinthians 6 (Bache 4, Day 2)
HT: 1–1 Att: 2000 Ref: McAnally
Hamilton: Alf Crompton – Bert Hutchins, J. Hossack – Tommy Gardner, Joe Newton, Dave Graham – George Houison, R. Wands, F. Beaumont, T. Saunders, Tiny Thombs.
Corinthians: Newman – Snell, Thompson – Weeks, Tuff, Sergeant – Brisley, Day, Bache, R.O. Corbett, A.L. Corbett.

August 12, 1911, in Montreal, Quebec
Montreal 0
Corinthians 8 (Bache 3, Brisley, Day 3, Coleby)
HT: 0–4 Att: 5000 Ref: R. Brands.
Montreal: H. Wright – J. Flemming, J. Smith – J. Patterson, H.H. Everden, H. McMillan – F. Menlove, D. Chapleton, J. McIlroy, D. Bennett, J. May.
Corinthians: Newman – Timmis, Snell – Vidal, Morgan-Owen, Tuff – Brisley, Day, Bache, Coleby, R.O. Corbett.

August 14, 1911, in Cobalt, Ontario
Cobalt 0
Corinthians 5 (Bache 3, Maples, Corbett)
HT: 0–3 Att: 1500 Ref: George White (Haileybury)
Cobalt: R. Frost – P. Richards, C. Wainwright – J. Conlan, Harry Short, Alex Cadman – Ed Sparling, George Cadman, Temmie Wainwright, Fergie Cadman, Bert Lambie.
Corinthians: Newman – Timmis, Thompson – Weeks, Tuff, Sergeant – Brisley, A.L. Corbett, Bache, Maples, B.O. Corbett.

August 16, 1911, in Fort William, Ontario
Fort William 0
Corinthians 6 (Bache 5, Coleby)
HT: Att: 3000 Ref: D. Turnbull
Fort William: Brightman – Matheson, Murray – Hardiman, McLellan, Dewar – Raby, Bain, Stenhouse, Morris, Sinclair.
Corinthians: Newman – Thompson, Snell – Vidal, Morgan-Owen, Sergeant – Brisley, Day, Bache, Coleby, Maples.

August 20, 1911, in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg 1 (?)
Corinthians 2 (Coleby, Timmis)
HT: Att: 6000 Ref: Sam Davidson
Winnipeg: A. Bennett (Hibernian) – Adam Smith (Celtic), J. Farish (Brits) – W. Leslie United Weston), L. Creighton (United Weston), Harry McMaster (Civics) – A. Wilkie (Brits), W. Bradshaw (Civics), H. Bignall (United Weston), J. Robertson (Brits), R.S. Bennett (Civics).
Corinthians: Newman – Timmis, Thompson, Sergeant, Morgan-Owen, Tuff – Brisley, Day, Bache, Coleby, B.O. Corbett.

August 21, 1911, in Regina, Saskatchewan
Regina 2 (?)
Corinthians 6 (?)
HT: Att: 1500 Ref: R. Ford (Moose Jaw)
Regina: Blenkhorn (United) – Grant (Casuals), Whittaker (Nationals) – Jimmy Eadie (Casuals), Baddeley (United), Childs (Casuals) – Barnard (Casuals), Crabbe (Nationals), McKenzie (Casuals), Laing (Nationals), Langan (?).
Corinthians: Newman – Timmis, Thompson – Vidal, Morgan-Owen – Weeks – Brisley, Day, Bache, Maples, R.O. Corbett.

August 22, 1911, at the 2nd Avenue Ball Grounds in Saskatoon
Saskatoon 2 (St. John, Randall)
Corinthians 9 (Day 3, Turner 2, Coleby 2, Maples, Brisley)
HT: 0–5 Att: 200 Ref:
Saskatoon: Moodie – Whittaker, Monk – Cook, Randall, Wright – Dunn, St. John, Russell, Tatler, Jackson.
Corinthians: Newman – Thompson, Tuff – Weeks, Morgan-Owen, Vidal – Turner, Day, Brisley, Coleby, Maples.

August 24, 1911, at Diamond Park in Edmonton, Alberta
Edmonton 1 (McLuckie)
Corinthians 6 (Maples 3, Thompson 2, Turner)
HT: 0–3 Att: 2500 Ref:
Edmonton: Ernie Parker (St. George’s) – W. Kinsman (Callies), James Moffatt (Swifts) – A. McCormick (Swifts), A. Crews (Swifts), M. Cowan (Callies) – Fred Gathercole (St. George’s), James McLuckie (Callies), Andy Tod (Callies), Joseph Lloyd (Swifts), A.E. Manton (Swifts).
Corinthians: Newman – Timmis, Tuff – Videl, Weeks, Bickersteth – R.O. Carbett, Maples, Turner, Thompson, A.L. Corbett.

August 26, 1911, in Calgary, Alberta
Calgary 3 (?)
Corinthians 4 (Day 2, Brisley 2)
HT: Att: Ref:
Calgary: Nicholson (City) – Alex Melville (Hillhurst), Grindley (Callies) – J. Haig (Callies), Arthur Wakelyn (Hillhurst), James Petrie (Callies) – Poor reproduction Calgary Herald.
Corinthians: Newman – Tuff, Timmis – Weeks, Morgan-Owen, Vidal – Thompson, Day, Bache, Bbrisley, B.O. Corbett.

August 29, 1911, in Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver 1 (Teed)
Corinthians 5 (Day 2, Bache 2, Maples)
HT: 0–4 Att: 4000 Ref: David Leith
Vancouver: Lambie – Struthers, McEwan – Bruce, Graham, Teed – Arnold, Anderson, Murray, Matthews, Bell.
Corinthians: Newman – Thompson, Timmis – Morgan-Owen, Weeks, A.L. Corbett – Brisley, Day, Bache, Coleby, Maples.

August 31, 1911, in Ladysmith, British Columbia
Nanaimo/Ladysmith 2 (McGuire 2)
Corinthians 2 (?, Bache)
HT: Att: 1000 Ref:
Nanaimo/Ladysmith: Dougan (Ladysmith) – Rogers (Ladysmith), Hewitt (Nanaimo) – Bayley (Ladysmith), White (Nanaimo), Upton (Ladysmith) – Adams (Nanaimo), McGuire (Ladysmith), Adam (Ladysmith), McAdams (Ladysmith), Waddell (Nanaimo).

September 2, 1911, in Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria 2 (?)
Corinthians 4 (?)
HT: Att: Ref:
Victoria: Beaney – Prevost, Whyte – Elton, Pettigrew, Ferris – Sherrit, Miller, Peden, Dakers, Buxton.
Corinthians: Newman – Snell, Timmis – Vidal, Morgan-Owen, Thompson – Brisley, Day, Bache, A.L. Corbett, B.O. Corbett.

September 4, 1911, at Recreation Park in Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver 1 (Arnold)
Corinthians 4 (Day, Brisley, Bache 2)
HT: 0–1 Att: 4000 Ref: C. Wreford-Brown)
Vancouver: Lambie – Struthers, McEwan – Thorpe, Graham, Teed – Arnold, Davie Pearson, Murray, Matthews, Bell.
Corinthians: Newman – Snell, Timmis – Tuff, Morgan-Owen, Videl – Day, Maples, Bache, Brisley, Corbett.

After leaving Canada, the Corinthians played two games in Chicago, then one game in Toronto.

September 14, 1911, in Toronto, Ontario
Stanley Barracks 2 (?)
Corinthians 6 (Coleby 2, Turner 2, A.L. Corbett, Vidal)
HT:1–1 Att: Ref:
Stanley Barracks: Sullivan – Calway, Smith – Scott, F.M. Carpenter, Clipton – Liggett, Tamlyn, Hogan, G.M. Carpenter, Webb.
Corinthians: Wreford-Brown – Tuff, Thompson – Weeks, Vidal, A.L. Corbett – Turner, Coleby, Bache, Maples, B.O. Corbett.

From Toronto, the Corinthians moved on to play in New York, Newark and Philadelphia.